Friday, July 31, 2009
Mork Calling Orson, Come In Orson
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Diamonds Aren't a Girl's Only Best Friend
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Gettin' Ready for Spaghetti!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Fat Bastard & His Chubby Little Sidekick
Monday, July 27, 2009
Suicide is Painless
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Real Housewives of...
First it was the Real Housewives of Orange County…with their dark tans, blonde highlights, botoxed beauty and let’s don’t forget size DDD breast implants. Then it was the Real Housewives of New York with the Yenta, the Social Climber, the Countess and the requisite Single Girl Making it all Work, followed closely by the Real Housewives of Atlanta with their big hair, long acrylic nails, enormous houses and an even bigger affinity for drama.
Topping it all off is this year’s entry in the series…The Real Housewives of New Jersey. This one is by far my most favorite and I really I don’t know why. Yes, their houses are bigger than the wives of Atlanta and their fortunes appear bigger than the wives of both NYC & the OC. But I think what intrigues me most about the The Real Housewives of New Jersey is that they are just soooooo over the top and yet, are completely oblivious as to how their excesses are perceived by those of us not fortunate enough to have a lifestyle funded by mafia money. Their days are filled to the brim with such things as getting their hair done, renovating their mansions, pushing their exceptionally untalented children into acting careers or making pasta for their spoiled and still at home 20-something kids. Boy do they make a lot of pasta on this show. I haven’t seen all the episodes because Bravo TV has not yet imported the series into Canada, so I can only speculate on what I’ve seen while traveling to the US. Suffice it to say, I was hooked on the first episode and just like when I am craving something salty or sweet or starchy, I just cannot get enough of this show. Please, Bravo, please - ditch the 3 year old reruns of the Housewives of the OC and bring us the Jersey girls! I'm begging here!
So, while I was ruminating on The Real Housewives Of (fill in the blank) series, it occurs to me, that what with my under-employed status, that really? what I am?'ve got it. I'm The Real Housewife of Oyster Bed Bridge.
Here in the OBB I don’t have a big house…just a ghost. I don’t have DDD breast implants but I do have enough excess baggage on my ass, that if it were transplanted to my breasts would make them EEE. Here, I don’t believe in acrylic nails, instead I spend my time cleaning the dirt from the garden out from under my nails. In the OBB the biggest drama I have is whether or not the one who rides the John Deere can get the grass cut before the next rain storm. In the OBB I don’t have hair and make-up artists at my beck and call. Instead, I roll my own.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hell's Kitchen - Hell YEAH!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"C" is for COOL and Also for CLEAN
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Channeling my Inner-Julia Child
Monday, July 20, 2009
Drugs in My Pocket
Friday, July 17, 2009
Melange, Hodge-Podge, Mish-Mash
Today, when I checked my email I had a message from a friend who often sends me little tidbits she finds on-line...interesting articles, websites, newsletters and such. Today she forwarded a newsletter called "Goop" with an article that poses the question: “What does it take to sustain a happy and successful relationship or marriage?” As we approach our one-year anniversary next month, the timing of this little newsletter couldn't have been better. I love that my friends, no matter how near or far, keep me in their thoughts and when something strikes them that Kim might like this and then they send it to me? Well, it makes being stranded on this island just a little more bearable. Thank you Bella!, my faithful reader and even better friend, for keeping me in your thoughts!
I’m having a butter tart muffin and it is ABSOLUTELY FREAKING FANTASTIC. There is no way I’m stopping at just one. As tempted as I am to show-off your baking there is no way I’m sharing. Here goes muffin #2.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Ode to a Butter Tart
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Day in the Life
- Up and at 'em. Strip the beds and load up the laundry basket. This is our big project for the day.
- Stumble downstairs, trip over the little dog who doesn't know if she should head to the back door to be let out like she is EVERY morning or if she should just dance under your feet until you almost fall down the last stair.
- Let the dogs out
- Fill up their breakfast bowls, let them back in to inspect whether or not they got filet mignon for breakfast. Sadly disappoint the dogs.
- Let the dogs out again because the little dog forgot to pee when she was just out 2 minutes ago
- Kiss the one whom I adore goodbye with a bag of garbage in my hand.
- Begin the Great Debate: Bran Flakes or peanut butter toast for breakfast? Decide on Bran Flakes because it was more in keeping with the No Crap for Kim Redux
- Sort laundry and begin the wash
- Empty the dishwasher
- Post blog - pitiful entry about poor pitiful me and my inability to bake because I am weaker than a string of spaghetti after an hour in a pot of hot water and I cannot refrain from eating whatever I make. Wa, wa, wa.
- Fluff & fold first load, load the colours
- Think about a shower but cannot get the big dog off my lap as it continues to pour outside, now accompanied by THUNDER!
- Pay mid-month bills. Wondered when we'll win the lottery?
- Watch Live! With Regis & Kelly. Marvel at the sight of her arms which are sculpted to perfection. Actually they look a little masculine to me...but, given that the only definition I have in my arms are the wiggly bits on the underside, I guess I'm not really one to judge.
- Finally extricate the dog off my lap and jump into the shower.
- Make lunch, a lovely toasted tomato sandwich on "calorie-wise" bread, a banana and a no-fat pudding cup (gotta get that dairy in some how)
- Fluff & fold load 2, start load 3
- Watch "The View" and wonder why I tune in most days to listen to these ladies scream at each other about stuff I really don't care about anyway?
- One final review of the sales fliers and finalize the grocery list. This week's goal: one week's groceries for two people for less than $70.
- Make the beds with freshly laundered sheets...mmm...smells Downey fresh!
- Fluff & fold load 3, start load 4
- Head to town to begin the great grocery quest. Get stuck in the construction traffic on Rustico Road and wonder why they can't do this next month when I won't be on the island for two weeks.
- With list in hand make a stop at 3 - yes 3! - different grocery stores in order to maximize our grocery dollar.
- Realize that the sale on Palmolive liquid isn't really a sale at all so skip it altogether and head to SuperStore for the bulk of our grocery purchases
- Whip through the SuperStore only to be trapped in the check-out line for 20 minutes because evidently there are not enough cashiers for the volume of customers. Think to myself - hey! maybe I should apply to work here? Rethink it when I realize that when I self-check-out at Walmart it causes me such great anxiety that I always leave either my wallet, my car keys or my purchases at the check-out stand - so yeah, probably not the career for me.
- With mere minutes to spare, load up the car with groceries and make my way down Queen Street to my monthly massage appointment.
- Sit in traffic on Queen Street, behind a horse & buggy AND a double-decker bus watching people jaywalk, and wonder if it will take the 10 minutes I have left to get to my appointment to actually travel the TWO BLOCKS to my therapist?
- 8 minutes later, I get to my parking spot and go visit my massage therapist with my stress level now through the roof because I had to actually DRIVE. IN. TRAFFIC.
- Ahh...soothing massage. I leave the appointment decidedly greasier than when I came in, but who cares?
- Home to unpack groceries, dodging the big dog who is convinced each grocery bag will reveal a TREAT! Just for HIM! For the second time in the day I sadly disappoint the dog.
- Start dinner preparations - homemade cabbage salad, left-over fennel & orange salad and left-over roasted chicken. So yeah, dinner takes 10 minutes to make!
- Fluff & fold load 4, begin load 5 - who says the art of doing laundry can't be a zen-like, day-long activity?
- Watch the Young & The Restless. Yes, I admit I watch this crap. And let me tell you what level of crap it is...It's like watching a car wreck - you want to look away...but you are compelled to keep watching. I'm hooked. I have great shame about this. But not enough to stop watching it.
- Once again disappoint the dogs as I feed them not filet mignon for dinner, but instead dry dog food.
- Watch the first half-hour of island news on CBC. Big story: the weather.
- Welcome the one whom I adore home! Yeah, someone to talk to!
- Serve dinner, bowing after the rave reviews I receive for serving Leftovers!
- Clean up after dinner.
- Check out the garden after the day's rain. Discover some new weeds. Pull those mo-fos out by their roots - they will NOT ruin my garden this year!
- Discover the ONLY pepper I had growing has now been partially eaten by some critter. Fuck. Devise a plan to foil the a) skunk, b) racoon, c) birds that are snacking on my peppers.
- Retire to the couch for an evening of TV with the one whom I adore. Up first: Triple Sensation followed by The Great American Road Trip and then a dose of the CBS Monday night comedies which I watch between naps.
- The one whom I adore convinces me I'd be more comfortable asleep in bed. So I head upstairs where I lie awake for 2 hours.
Monday, July 13, 2009
No Crap for Kim - The Redux
Reading yesterday's posting again this morning it strikes me that I'm more than a little pissed off at this whole No Crap for Kim thing because if I'm to have any measure of success I'm going to have to give up something I need almost as much a breath itself. I'm not talking about giving up alcohol or a specific food or even an entire food group. I'm talking about having to give up baking. It is one of the few ways I fill up may days here on the island in the land of the under-employed.
There's only so much laundry to be done. My house has NEVER been cleaner and let's just say my vegetable garden has nary a weed. Nor do any of my flower beds. So yes, finding ways to fill up my days often takes a creative bend and if I'm not writing here at this blog, I can generally be found in my kitchen playing with ingredients to concoct a new dish, or experimenting with a new recipe I've either found on-line, on tv or in my antique cookbook.
And now, as I struggle with the eternal battle of the bulge, I have to give this up too. It seems so unfair.
Oh, I could keep on baking, sure. I could make mountains of macaroons and countless cakes. But the problem here is that while I can be very headstrong, I simply do not have the willpower to say no to sweet treats if they are in my vicinity. The one whom I adore made a crack last week about how much he enjoyed the two macaroons he got out of that last batch - so yeah, there's an indicator of what happens when I bake. And don't even suggest that I set up a little bakeshop and run it from my house - I don't like to bake in volumes...I just like to make a batch of this or a loaf of that every once in a while (and then I like to eat it). That would hardly sustain a home-baking business. But thanks for the suggestion.
So, what's a gal to do? Any other suggestions? Hello? People? I'm talking to you!
Since I'm obviously not going to be making this anytime soon, I share with you my recipe for orange cake. Someone might as well enjoy it, if I can't!
Orange Cake