There are no raises or promotions for ambitiously perfecting the art of house-wife-ry, but I like to think that the satisfaction I glean from having a sparkling kitchen floor is compensation enough.
Are you kidding me? I just read an article in The Bible - er, I mean, the September edition of Oprah Magazine about whether or not you're addicted to praise? The article opened with "Are you a praise junky? Do you jones for a little recognition? Does someone saying "Hey baby, thanks for getting the dog barf stains out of the carpet and our refrigerator has never smelled so lemony're the best wife ever." Does that get your socks off?"
Sadly I am here to report that indeed, I do need to have a little validation that all my hard work has meaning, is noticed and is appreciated. By someone other than myself.
Which leads me to the whole point of this blog. You were wondering when I was going to get around to it, weren't you? Me too.
Here's the thing. I'm guessing if this is a cover story article in the Oprah Magazine then it stands to reason she didn't have Martha Beck write it just for me to read. I'm guessing there are a few others out there that need a little pat on the back every once in a while too.
I'm talking to you, people!
So to all of you that check here on a regular basis to see what nut-job thing I've been up to lately: Thank you.
To those of you who carefully read my sometimes whiney posts about being under-employed: Thank you for hanging in there - I promise to quit my bitchin' just as soon as I get a job or a book contract, whichever comes first.
To those of you that take the time to provide comments: Thank you too. Even for the snarky comments. It helps me retain some thick skin which I think I'll probably need when I re-enter the workforce or when I have a professional editor critiquing my work.
To those of you that take what I post and forward its link to other people: Thank you! Who knew growing readership would be so hard? I have a small, faithful following, but more readers are always a good thing.
To those that come back, even when I write something you think is completely stupid: thank you too. We can't always agree on whether or not Gordon Ramsey is a sexy bastard (which he most definitely IS), potty-mouth or not. But the fact you came back to see if I'd written anything worthy of you reading after that, made me happy.
And for my international peeps: Gracias, merci beaucoup, cheers, ta, vinaka, mamnoon, dankeschen, arigato, spasibo.
And now, dear internets, I must go polish my mirrors!