Friday, September 4, 2009

End of the Week Roundup

Hey! It's Labour Day! And you know what that means? That's's the end of summer. Oh I know summer doesn't officially end for a few weeks yet, but with the cool nights, crisp mornings and the school year starting next week, you know damn well it's time to put away those white shoes and start inventorying your turtlenecks.

She's been quite a week here on the island...with unexpected fireworks mid-week when Buzz's boss suddenly was no longer Buzz's boss. When he told me about the events that took place on Wednesday my one comment to the man whom I adore was simply "As the Controller your life is about to get wayyyyyyy busier than you can even imagine."

I guess I'm psychic because that has already proven to be the case and until they replace the GM I'm guessing my man will be living, breathing, eating and sleeping all things hotel.

In other news, local island muckety-muck and a guy that keeps our island politicians in check (or at least tries to) is now following me on Twitter! Little old me! This guy is a great island story, left school at a young age to take over his family gas station, eventually owns his own development company on the island with offices throughout the country and now is trying to drag our little island into the 20th century (you read that correctly) by say, changing some of the laws, perceptions and way they do things on the island. Sunday shopping anyone? Healthy competition on the island? Need a new mayor? I say: Go Tim Go!

I followed him first because, frankly, I like how he thinks, I like the change that he's trying to create here. Anyway, when I followed him, he reciprocated. Now I have 3 followers!

That last statement made me laugh. Aren't I the most popular girl?!