Time for another installment of the Hillbillies Ride Again, also known as Kim & Buzz take a vacation.
Leaving for vacation is never easy, especially when you're a big muckety-muck financial wizard for a big hotel company and you're leaving for vacation the same week as month-end is due. But Buzz got 3 weeks worth of work done in one week, with enough time left over to be home Friday night in plenty of time to pack, organize the loading of the Cranberry Cruiser and to join me and the neighbors in a pre-vacation beer as we instructed them on how and when to water our flower baskets. Saturday morning we were up bright and early final packing complete, truck loaded up, lunches & lobster in the cooler and we were westward-ho! with a ticket to ride off the island.
It was a beautiful day, bright blue sky, big yellow sun and with the two dogs power-lounging on their bed in the way back of the truck, we were rocking out to our summer playlist on the I-pod and taking it all in. As we crossed over the Confederation Bridge, it started to actually feel like we were on vacation. Ahhh, vacation...
About 4 hours into the trip I glanced over to the dashboard and asked Buzz how much fuel was left in the car. "About a quarter of a tank" he replied.
"There's a PetroCan at the next exit, maybe we should stop and fill up." I suggested.
"Nah. It's on the other side of the highway." he shrugged.
"Are you kidding me? We've only got a quarter of a tank of gas and you don't want to stop because you'd have to cross over the highway to get to the station?" I asked incredulously.
"That's right" he said. "It's not that efficient. We'll get gas at the next exit."
"But I know my car, and I think you should stop now" I whined as we whipped past the PetroCan exit.
"That's okay, we have plenty of gas to get us to Hartford or Woodstock".
And folks, here is where it happened. That thing that is so sweet I will savour it all my live-long-days. It was here, traveling along the TransCanada Highway through the boonies of New Brunswick when Buzz first realized that every once in a while, and although it doesn't happen often, I WAS RIGHT. We were about to run out of gas.
There was no gas station at the next exit. The next station was some 40-km ahead of us and now our gas guage was sitting right on the red line.
So we had to back-track 30-km to go to the PetroCanada station we had passed 20 minutes earlier.
The only difference is now it was on the right side of the road, and therefore, the perfect place to fuel up.
My friends, this is only leg one of the ridiculousness that was our day of travel to Ontario. There was also that thing that happened in Ingleside on Saturday night. But I won't get into it yet - I'm still processing.
Suffice it to say, we did make it to the cottage and this morning, woke up to this beautiful vista: