Friday, May 1, 2009
I Never Thought it Would Last!
Last Wednesday was a big day. It marked the one-month anniversary of the launching of my blog. I know, I know! I can hear you saying it “30 whole days? One whole month? The same number of days it takes the earth to circle the moon? Simply astonishing!” Dear Internet, I feel exactly the same way! I cannot believe it’s been a month since I started writing.
Do I sound as full of crap as I think I do? Here’s the thing…I wasn’t sure when I started this little project back in March. I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy it. I wasn’t sure I would have the discipline to write once a week, let alone daily. I wasn’t sure I’d have an audience. I wasn’t sure I’d have anything to say. I wasn’t sure the words would come, or if they’d make sense. I wasn’t sure of a lot of things. But the one thing I WAS sure about was that I needed to do SOMETHING to engage my brain, to give me something to do besides looking for my next project here on PEI. And with much encouragement from a newly re-acquainted, long-lost old friend, I took computer to lap and began typing.
So, 30 days into it and I’ve discovered a few things. First and foremost, I remembered I love to write. I shouldn’t have been concerned about whether or not the words would come. They come and come and come. I am trying to keep my postings to one per day, but honestly, if I wanted to, I could update this thing every 2 or 3 hours. But then, I’d be giving this blog more attention than I give my husband and that, Dear Internet, would not be fair. After-all, he’s the one that lovingly and kindly supports this habit of mine. So, I’m limiting my entries to one per day. It’s killing me. I’m not kidding.
My audience is still meager, but it IS growing…albeit slowly. Not only are my family avid readers (a requirement by virtue of the fact that they are family) but, I’ve got readers from across 4 time zones in North America and at least two international readers and one as far away as the land of Oz (hi Rensie!). The trick to this blogging thing is to share it with as many people as possible, to increase readership…I’m still figuring this part of it out. I’ve only been at it 30 days though, so I feel like I’ve got some time to figure it out. But, hey, if you like what you read here, feel free to pass it along. The link is - let someone else in on the joke!
You may have noticed I have changed the name of the blog from Musings & Meanderings to SnapShots. I had to. It seemed that there was another lady on Blogspot with the same blog name. No disrespect to Vera from Toronto, but I didn’t want my Musings & Meanderings to get confused with her Musings & Meanderings. So, as of May 1st, we’re calling this little website SnapShots…a tip of the hat to the other hobby I love, that of taking pictures.
So, 30 days into it and where to from here? This is my question for you, Dear Internet. What do you want to see more of? Less of? What should I change? What should remain the same? Mouse on down to the little email envelope below (the comments section) and fill me in on your thoughts!
If I may be a little, tiny bit prescriptive here (and I can, because it’s MY website), can I ask that my commenters please use comments in the field below, rather than on Facebook? I love the comments you send. Your encouragement and feedback means everything to me. I’m always excited to read your thoughts either here or there or even in my email box, but, you see, some day (in my DREAMS), I may want to publish a collection of my blog entries and it’d be SUPER if the comments were all housed on the blog and not over there on my Facebook page, if you know what I mean? Thank you, thank you very much.
They say time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve had some great fun with this new passion of mine. Looking back at the last 32 days, the one thing I now know for sure – I need to find a way to get paid for doing this!