Where once my days were filled with countless meetings about strategy and market segmentation and revenue projections and yield management, forecasts, executive commentary, ROIs, package inclusions, SWOT analysis and marketing plans, here on the island my days are filled with
- Writing a (almost) daily blog
- Uploading it to Facebook so my friends and family can read it
- Checking my blog traffic stats a billion times a day
- Checking my email a billion and one times a day
- Surfing the "jobs available on PEI" website
- making the bed
- emptying the dishwasher
- daydreaming about the day when the recession ends and freelance marketing is once again a viable, sought-after career
- weeding the gardens
- and wondering now that it's 8:30am what will I do until dinner?
What follows is the Q&A I had with myself after I hit the "send" button on an on-line application for a job that I am infinitely over-qualified for, but likely won't get because of lack of direct experience.
What the hell will I do if I ever get a serious job offer ever again? Panic? Celebrate? All of the above? None?
Will I be able to make the transition back into the world of the working? Not without some new clothes, because, honestly, your wardrobe is so 2007!
Will I resent not being able to sit on my sofa, in my PJs at 3 in the afternoon with the Young & the Reckless on the TV while I do serious research and writing? Count on it.
Will I still find the time to write? Questionable.
Will I still be able to put a gourmet meal on the table 6 nights out of 7? More like 4 nights out of 7, but who's counting? But isn't that what left-0vers are for?
How will the dogs cope? What will they do without me by their side all day long? Um, I'm thinking they'll continue to sleep 23 out of 24 hours like they do now!
And will I be able to shirk the laundry off on the one whom I adore? Sweet Mother of Pearl, I hope so.
But a girl's got to keep trying, right? Duh, yeah?
Because if I didn't keep trying to find work on this island in the Strait then the islanders win, right? Do NOT let those mo-fo's win!
Because if the islanders win, it means that this move was the worst career decision I've ever made, right? Bad for career, but an absolutely brilliant move for your life and love.
And if it's the worst career decision I've ever made, how will I ever recover from it? I'm thinking slowly, and with deep breaths and baby steps.
How will I get back "on track?" Possibly with a book offer so you don't actually have to get back "on track" at all, but forge a new path altogether.
Or is it just the thing I needed to focus my talents in an area I've longed to play in? You betcha sista!
If only I knew how to get a lit agent. Jeeze - it's always something with you, isn't it?
Good thing I'm a excellent researcher - I must be able to figure this out somehow - at a girl...