Monday, April 13, 2009

I Stand Corrected

Alert - for anyone (besides me) who cares:

1)  My one comment yesterday was not in fact from One Who Should Know (his father) but rather One Who Thought They Knew (my mother).  So apologies to the One Who Should Know - you were not the first in what I hope will be a long line of interactive readers to my blog.  That title goes to my mother.

2)  Joyce is BACK!  Okay, she never really left, although her "follow this blog" icon did.  But only for a day.  Her icon has now found its way back home and she is once again following this blog.

3)  The never ending snow storm continues to kick the shit out of PEI.  Sorry for the language Mom, but for crying out loud, it's April 13th already and it's been snowing none-stop all day.

4)  Contrary to what one would believe, Walmart does not put their excess Easter chocolate on sale the day after Easter.  No, they strip the 6 aisles of Easter candy down to the bare racks and fill them with seasonal summer products (like that's appropriate when there's 4 inches of snow on the ground and more coming down).   So no, my dear hubby, there will be no super sale on chocolate bunnies for you this year.  


Imagine my surprise this morning when I signed on to my blog to discover that I had a comment!   Which by using my vast skills of deduction must, therefore, mean  I have readers.  Imagine - READERS.  Readers aside from my mother who is obligated by the very fact that she's my mother to read my musings, meanderings, ramblings and vents.

Imagine my further surprise that said comment was about the content I had posted yesterday - a sweet story about a little boy and the Easter Bunny.  Apparently, I might have named the wrong little boy.  My apologies - I would have sworn on my dog's life it was the boy profiled...but according to One Who Should Know (his father) it wasn't this little boy at all, but his younger brother Danny.  Apologies to Danny for misplacing credit to his older brother.  I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened to Danny, but I wanted to make it right if I got it wrong.  We're awaiting Rosie's verdict on this by the way - which kid was heartbroken by the Easter Bunny?

Now, on the subject of blogging - by virtue of the fact that I had a comment, and therefore a reader, it begs the question:  how to get more comments?  One could easily make the assumption that more comments might equal more readers.  So the REAL question today is how to increase the readership of this blog?  Anyone?  Anyone?  

I don't have a large following, but along with my pleasant surprise today of having a comment I also noticed that sadly, I had lost a reader.  I know some people read my blog the old fashioned way - by logging on to  And I thank you for that!  But, my meager Facebook following has shrunk from 8 to 7 readers.  I assumed it was the nice man from Kentucky who for some reason is following my blog (how did he find it??).  But NO, it was my Aunt Joyce.  Joyce has dropped me!  And I thought FOR SURE she was a fan of my blog.  Why, oh why would Joyce drop me?   

I can only assume Joyce didn't find the content meaningful and if that's the case I'm sorry.  But, I'm still figuring out this whole blog thing and what to write about and what to keep to myself.  I'm striving to write everyday, although on days when those college kids suck the very life out of me, I have been known to miss a day or two.  I'm trying to include interesting stories about life here on this quirky little island as well as anecdotes from my travels.  I also like to include small stories about the amazing man I married, because frankly when you wait until you're more than half way through your lifespan to get married for the first and only time, it must be to someone FREAKING FANTASTIC.  

So that's my intent.   I hope the rest of you readers like it.  If you don't, well, you can always exercise the same option Joyce did and hit the "drop her blog now" button.  But I hope you don't.  I hope you keep reading.  I promise this will get better - or maybe it won't.  But you won't know unless you sign on daily!  

Oh and by the way, I'm sure Joyce dropped me TOTALLY by accident.  Right?

How to Annoy Me

Stand at the kitchen door asking to go out, then doing NOTHING.  Over and over again.  I'm wise to your game buddy.