She missed out on the delights of biographies, travelogues, business building books, self-help books and let's don't forget all those Harlequin Romances! Okay, even I don't read those get my point. To only read cookbooks or cooking related magazines...BORING.
Or so I thought.
I've spent untold hours over the years thumbing through cookbooks myself, but I didn't really consider it "reading" per se. I discovered the joys of a lazy morning spent perusing dog-eared cookbooks or the latest edition of Canadian Living with its seasonal and Canadian-focused recipes, searching for inspiration for that night's dinner. Then, I discovered on-line recipe search engines. Then, I discovered that place where you can put in your main ingredient and come out with an entire cookbook of recipes that you can make with that one featured component.
Thursday it was all about coconut. I had been hankering for a sweet treat ever since the homones started raging earlier in the week. I waged a hard-fought battle, but yesterday morning, I just had to give in. I searched for the words "coconut recipes" and through the power of the internet found a website dedicated to all things coconut. Coconut shrimp. Coconut cream pie. Coconut chocolate bars. Coconut frosting. Coconut ice cream. Coconut macaroons.
They had me at macaroon. And hey, I just so happened to have all the ingredients in my kitchen. It must have been fated. I was destined to make macaroons. And so I did. They turned out p.e.r.f.e.c.t. I have never made a macaroon so easily that tasted so damn good.
Which of course presented the next problem. If I'm diligently on the no crap for Kim campaign, somehow coconut macaroons don't fit into the daily meal plan.
Unless, of course, you allow yourself ONE day a week to indulge in something besides vegetables, high fibre foods and lean meats. I decided this week, Thursday would be that day. And so I had one. Okay, I had two. Really, it was three. But then the adult, responsible side of my brain regained control over the adolescent, want-to-eat-each-and-every-last-one-until-I-am-almost-sick-from-the-sweetness of my alter-ego. I put the rest in the freezer.
And that's where they sit right now. Oh sure, I squirreled away a couple for the one whom I adore to enjoy when he got home last night. But the rest? They are safely tucked away in the deep freeze, only to be released in case of an extreme emergency.
This morning upon waking and discovering that the sun that was promised was not shining for the 15th day in a row, thus today's weather constituted an "emergency" I had one for breakfast. It was left-over from the stash I squirreled away for the one whom I adore, but still. Macaroons for breakfast. Even I can't justify the health benefits of that.