I love a quiet Saturday morning (or Sunday morning for that matter). With one dog piked out on the floor at my feet and the other snugged in hard on the couch beside me, the only sound is the morning birds as they flit and fly about our property looking for breakfast. We have lots of birds today - makes me wonder if our little piece of PEI is the avian equivalent of a Tim Horton's - a busy place to grab a "to go" worm or a cool, refreshing grub or two.
I woke up to an amazing sunrise this morning. I even woke my slumbering hubby to witness the dawn of the day. I'm not sure he appreciated being woken up out of a dead sleep to look at the morning sky, but that's one of the hazards of sleeping beside me. I cannot stay asleep one minute beyond the crack of dawn.
Today's sky was scarlet red, tinged with hints of purple and blue as the sun slowly crawled its way over the eastern horizon...slowly...slowly. Too bad I didn't take my camera upstairs with me, because it was picture perfect. It reminded me of the sunrises on Maui where, on mornings when the fields were burned, the sky was filled with the acrid smell of burnt sugar cane. The great plumes of smoke created by the burnings would act as nature's crayola box, colouring the rising sun shades of red, orange, purple.
Today's sunrise was no crayola box, however. It was just plain red, red, red. My first thought: red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in morning, sailors take warning. I wonder what the day will hold today?