Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shades of Grey

Do you know how many different shades of grey there are?  I don't either, but if the colour picker on my photo editing software is any indication, perhaps there are a million.   I believe this to be true because at least a half a million have set up shop on top of my head, framing my face in a less than flattering way.

So today, feeling all powerful and strong because I go to Bootcamp and kick ass now...I am embarking on a journey to kick some grey matter off the top of my lid and I'm thinking...Platinum.  Platinum Blonde.  Like Marilyn or Madonna in the early years.

Whatdaya think?

Oh, hell, it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks because by the time you read this, I'll be sitting in Emily's chair and she'll be massaging chemicals into my scalp to turn my grey/brown/bronze colour into something perfectly blonde and summery and different.

I'm thinking it'll go with the new ass, abs and pipes I've been working on the last few months.

Photo evidence soon!