the one whom I adore is an executive committee member (read very important senior boss-man type of job), they often get charged with providing to the colleagues some glimpse into their inner lives. This year the exec. committee members were asked to provide props & imagery that showed what they do for "wellness" (as in how they spend their time the other 2 or 3 hours a week when they are not otherwise working). Oh, and they also wanted to see what the execs looked like as babies and could they please provide a baby picture with their other props.
Now, the one whom I adore is VERY lucky to be married to me (that being the under-employed, too much time on my hands, but no longer stressed and still very creative former marketing executive) because as soon as he mentioned it, I whipped up this little poster to display at the fair:

Of course, all of this was requested a mere day before we were leaving on vacation so the likelihood of him getting a baby picture to the H&W types in time were severely limited given that:
1) we don’t have a copy of any of his childhood photos, let alone a baby picture and;
2) we’re not from here and the likelihood of his parents being able to find a picture, get it to his brother’s office, have it scanned and then emailed – well, you might as well have asked them to climb a mountain, because it wasn’t going to happen. Not that they wouldn’t be happy to do everything they could to assist – it was just a ridiculous request at the very last moment when the one whom I adore simply had NO time to deal with it.
But, the one whom I adore (which we will now start to abbreviate to TOWIA because frankly the other is just getting too long) also likes to play nice in the sandbox and so after consulting with me (the formerly high-paid, high-stressed, now under-employed marketing genius) we decided to submit this baby picture: