I thought all was good. After 4 days he seemed to have conquered the invaders. We had the "all clear." I could return to my own bed. And so I did on Sunday night. It was then that the ultimate sneak attack occurred.
Those germs may be small, but they are mighty little warriors. No sooner had we thought we had won the war, it became obvious that we really had only taken one small battle and that a much bigger fight would continue to rage on in the battleground that is my sinus, nasal & throat passages.
I fought on valiantly. I took sinus medicine, lobbing drying agents at those little germ warriors. I drank gallons of tea. I ate toast with butter & honey, commonly known to cure whatever ails me. I slept, but not really for longer than 15 minutes at a time. I whined and complained. I sneezed and coughed and wiped my eyes that were, incidentally, in a race with my nose to see which could run off my face first. All to little avail.
After 3 days, I was done. I had to do it. I had to call in the back-up brigade. There was simply no choice. I reached into the far recesses of my medicine chest for the mother of all germ warfare weapons: VICKS VAPO RUB.
When you're in hand to hand combat against such a powerful enemy as The Common Cold, there is nothing more effective then the soothing scent of eucalyptus to clear your sinuses. A soothing massage of VVR and the warmth penetrates your chest and immediately relieving your lungs from their prisoner of war status. Oh sure, the smell of Vick's is enough to repel anyone that comes within a 5-ft radius of you, but I'm okay with that - I don't really like people in my personal space (husband excluded).
After 24 hours, with the use of my secret weapon, it appears I have gained a toe-hold on the enemy. I have fought back and those nasty little germs are retreating. Next time I won't wait 3 days to bring out the weapon of mass destruction - I'll will bathe in the stuff at the first sign of a cold. Lesson learned.
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