Couch surfing consists of getting up, making breakfast and then immediately retiring to the sofa for a full day marathon of Top Chef on Food TV Canada. Snicks & The Gidge took up residence in their respective spots - he in his bed, she on our chaise lounge (as if we moved it to the living room for her sake!). Dwayne took up his post at one end of the couch and I reclined on the other. Occasional trips to the kitchen or bathroom broke up the day.
The great thing about spending Good Friday this way is, I realized ONCE AGAIN, that I have married the perfect-for-me kind of guy. Someone who will lose an entire day to a Top Chef marathon and not complain about it. A guy who will nuke a hotdog for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. A guy who, despite being crippled with joint problems today drove to the video store so we can continue our couch surfing tonight with a DVD marathon.
Yup - he's the perfect-for-me man. And I'm the luckiest person EVER.
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