Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Definition of Pathetic

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The View from Here
Monday night marked the last night of my 3-month digital photography class I’ve been taking since January at the local college. For those of you that noticed the date on the calendar, you’re right, the 3-month course is ending at the end of April – FOUR FULL MONTHS INTO THE YEAR! You know why, don’t you? Of course. Our course went long because of the LONGEST WINTER IN HISTORY. During the first 3 months of 2009 we suffered enough storm stays on Mondays to close down school, thus extending the time we’d be in the classroom learning all the tools and techniques of digital photography. No one, not even the instructor, thought we’d still be in the classroom as late as April 27!
I’d like to say that I graduated with honours, suma cum laude as it were. I’d like to say that my talent clearly indicated I was the only choice for Photo School Valedictorian. That my use of subject matter, light, filter and composition garnered me a diploma suitable for framing. Alas, I cannot make any of those claims. I was clearly not the most talented photographer in the course. That I think would go to Karen who always found unique and interesting subjects for her photo assignments, while mine were mostly Dwayne and/or Snickers & Gidget whom I would cajole, beg, plead and sometimes bribe into being my willing subjects (not that they aren’t unique or interesting – they most certainly ARE, but mostly to ME). Or, perhaps to Bunty who had such an artistic flare that she would photograph the cut-off stem of a tulip and, through her exposure setting and editing skills make it look like a neon green light installation work of art, while the best I could do on that front was the photo of the crystal blue egg against the cerulean blue sky. Or, perhaps to Cara who took such candid photos of her twin 3-year old daughters they simply took your breath away for their beauty, innocence and wonder, while I was busy photographing candid shots of knots in wooden beams. Seriously.
I did graduate the course, but not with honours; not because I didn’t earn that grade, but because they didn’t actually give out grades! But I sure learned a lot. I learned about depth of field and how to focus your camera lens so that everything else is blurred either in the foreground or background, except your main focus. I learned about the composition rule that every photographer should know: “the rule of thirds”. I learned about aperture, lighting, where to place the sun to ensure best exposure or backlight exposure. I learned how to photograph moving water, which was one of my MOST exciting lessons. I learned that when you show up for in the field instruction at the beach at 7am on a Saturday morning you really should be dressed for full on winter, even though the calendar says it’s April 18. I learned that no matter what you take a picture of or how good it is – you can ALWAYS improve it by editing it with a photo-editing application. I learned that the work really begins after you’ve taken the picture, which can make photography a VERY long process. I learned that producing good photography really is hard work and that those people that take this up professionally really deserve the $125 an hour they charge!
I also learned I have a good eye for composition. I have unleashed my inner artist and can spend hours shooting and then even more hours editing and creating digital photo albums and on-line galleries. I pushed the send button to order my very first black & white portfolio album and it should be here in 6 – 10 business days. I can’t wait to see the results of my winter’s work, documented and bound in a professional portfolio.
But mostly, I learned enough to whet my appetite to keep learning. I learned that while the point & shoot camera I used during school is great for people that want to give all control over to the camera, that for those that want to control their aperture, lighting, exposure and filtration – well really, you need an SLR camera. I learned I should start putting all my spare change in the piggy bank because those cameras do not come cheap!
What follows are samples of my weekly assignments at photo school. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I did making them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Annoying Habits of Roommates Who Don't Pay Rent
With what you’ve read here you’d think there was only one. Only one four legged member of our family. But in reality, there are two such creatures that live with us rent-free here in the Oyster Bed Bridge. While my beautiful beastly boy, Snickers, occupies the largest chamber of my heart, there is a small space (tiny, tiny, tiny space) reserved for the her-dog of the house…our very own she-devil…the one and ONLY…Gidget Cameron. Truth be told, I’m sure she’d prefer Gidget Donnelly, but the women in this house have not yet given up their maiden names so Gidget Cameron she will remain until such time as I say so.
Now making her Musings & Meandering debut, the one and only GIDGET CAMERON! (insert musical fanfare flourish here):

I know, you’re looking at that picture and thinking to yourself “She’s cute! Look at those eyes! That expression! She’s so fashionable with her winter parka! How can you not stand the very cuteness of such cute-a-tude?!?!!” It’s easier than you’d think, believe you me.
Gidget came to our family on a bit of a whim. Note to self, one should never give in to those whims, because one moment of weakness could easily garner you 4 (or more) years saying “I’m sorry, she’s just a little cranky, it’s not you, really, it’s her, it’s just the way she is.”
April 4th, 2005 was a bad day for me. I’m not kidding. I was having a very low tide kind of day. The kind when you think to yourself, I really need to do something DIFFERENT with my life. Lots of people would think about taking up a new hobby or perhaps exploring a different career or even going on vacation somewhere new and exotic. Not me. I took a walk and sauntered right past the pet store on 4th in Kitsilano. Thinking Snickers could use a treat I wandered in and there she was. A 6-month old Gidget, all black and tan and cute as a bug, with a sweet disposition who just wanted to be cuddled and held and carried around like a baby.
I was done-in for. She had me at the first wag of her little tiny (tiny, tiny) tail. A small fortune later (I know the MADNESS! I actually PAID for this creature who would come to rule my household like a queen with an iron fist) and she was mine.
I do believe the name the pet store had given her was Wanda or Wendy or something like that. Who the hell gives real people names to dogs? And why Wanda or Wendy? Why not Tanya (you know at least a small reference to her colour)? I just don’t get it. Anyway, before I even got her home (on the 4th Street bus no less) she was christened Gidget. Because, simply put, she’s a midget and it just seemed to fit her personality. Gidget, the Midget. Apologies to any little people that may read this website - no disrespect was intended.
She was too young to leave at home all day long, so four days a week she’d jump into her duffle bag (not a real duffle bag – a dog carrier duffle bag) and join me on the number 6 bus to go to work. I’m sure during those 10 hours we were out each day were pure, unadulterated bliss for Snickers who, I think still to this day, resents the intrusion on his life that this little dog has wrought. She quickly became the office mascot who would hang out in my office all day, unless of course there was a piece of linoleum she could pee on or a treat to be given over in Andrea’s office.
Our early days were easy days. These were the days when she was all sweetness and sugar-toffee loving. These were the days before the disease would take hold of her and swing her around like a cat by the tail. These were the days before she met my future husband, but the love of HER life, Dwayne Donnelly.
We moved to Jasper and became acquainted with the one whose affections we compete for, the man of our dreams, he who lights up our lives. She would (and still does) sit for HOURS on his lap, allowing him to stroke her under the chin. Very soon after we started dating, I figured he was a keeper because not only had Snickers not shied away from him as he had done with every OTHER man I had ever introduced him to, but The Gidge (as Dwayne calls her), quickly decided that he was the man for her. How could I not keep him around?
Even in those days, Gidget was still a sweet little nuthin’ of a puppy. I was worried that Rocky Mountain winters might be too cold for one who only stands 4-inches off the ground, but Gidget proved to be an intrepid cold-weather canine. She’d walk for hours and hours and hours through snow and ice, stopping only to have the snowballs removed from her armpits. She dug the mountains, almost as much as she dug her Dwayne-man.
Her diagnosis didn’t come until last year, when she turned 4. We were at the Veterinary Hospital at the University of PEI where both dogs were getting the most thorough physical they (or I) have ever had. As part of the examination I asked the resident to check Gidget’s eyes. I thought she might have cataracts or something starting as she’d recently started barking uncontrollably at unfamiliar objects. The residents at the Vet Hospital did a complete work-up, checking every nook & cranny on the dogs and taking a comprehensive view through the eye-checker at Miss Gidget’s corneas. They found nothing.
Being thoroughly keen and oh-so-into-the-cuteness-that-is-Gidget, the residents thought to write up Gidge’s symptoms under the guise that there wasn’t anything physically causing the barking…her eyesight was perfectly fine. They were concerned that perhaps there was either an environmental or behavioral issue causing this oh-so-annoying hobby. They submitted their report to the Veterinarian Doctors that oversee their residency program. A few emails and a couple of phone calls to clarify details later and we had the diagnosis. I was very excited to learn what was causing The Gidge such distress as to cause her to bark uncontrollably for hours on end. I called the hospital back and got our resident on the phone.
The diagnosis: “Adult On-set Crankiness”. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the genesis of her disease – she’s a bitch. In. Every. Sense. Of. The. Word. Seems it’s one of the less than endearing traits of Australian Silky Terriers. The older they get, the less tolerant they become. The less tolerant, the more vocal.
Well, now my little Gidge – you can SHUT-UP. Please……….
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hinterland Who's Who

Saturday, April 25, 2009
One Week
Windows on the World
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bunny Food it Ain't

It’s been very hairy around our house the last week or so. I don’t mean “hairy” as in wild or scary or shocking. Or, perhaps, maybe I do!?!
Last week after almost 5 months my husband (FINALLY) went for a haircut. I know what you’re thinking – most civilized human beings get their hair cut every 5 – 6 weeks. I know, I know, you’re right! My husband, however, likes to get a big bang for his buck, so he likes to see how long he can go without a haircut and without the HR Director writing him up for failing the hotel’s grooming policy. When the "Dippity Do" doesn't, when it could no longer hold a perfect “gelmet” he decided it was time for a trim.
Rather than going to a barber for a shave & a haircut he goes to a national chain known as “First Choice”. In our household though, this national chain of hairdressers is known as “Her Choice” because really, it doesn’t matter what you tell the hairdresser, you get whatever cut she feels like giving you that day. In the past this has meant everything from a nice trim and thinning out to a full on brush cut just mere days before our wedding. Imagine how happy I was on my wedding day, posing for pictures, standing beside GI Joe with his new buzz cut.
So last week he goes for a long overdue trim and my final words as he’s heading off are “don’t let them use the #1 blade on you – no buzz cuts or I swear to God, it’s grounds for divorce.” He really must want to stay married because, indeed, the stylist did not use a #1 blade…or even a #2 blade for that matter. She just scissored his cut. Which, when you have enough hair on your head to start your own International Hair Club for Men franchise, a little scissoring is not a real haircut.
So, $15 later he comes home sporting what can only be referred to as “Hockey Hair.” You know what I’m talking about right…all business in the front, party in the back. Yes, my dear internet, my husband is sporting a modified mullet. I can hear the groaning from you as I type this…I know, I know! I’ve got my very own Billie Ray Cyrus right here in my kitchen.
His new haircut elicted the following conversation this morning:
“Um, you know if you had gone back the next day they would have corrected your cut at no cost – it’s the hairdresser’s credo, you know”.
“I didn’t have time! Besides, I like my hockey hair.”
“It looks more like 70’s Porn Star Hair if you ask me”
“I didn’t ask you. It’s hockey hair – you know, the kind that attracts all the Puck Bunnies. I used to wear my hair this way when I played hockey. All the Puck Bunnies loved it, I don’t know why you don’t.”
“Did you get a lot of action with those Puck Bunnies?”
“My point exactly.”
I’m really hoping that when he reads this blog that his very next step will be to make an appointment for further lid alteration. At least before our vacation. We can’t risk showing up in Nashville with him looking like Billie Ray Cyrus.
The exhaustion continues. I was so tired yesterday I didn't have the energy to write about the pictures I posted. Hence the invention of Wordless Wednesday, my "get out of writing" free card that I can invoke whenever the exhaustion becomes more than bone-crushing (like yesterday) or days when the words just won't come.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
As Tired as a Bull Elk at the End of the Rut

Monday, April 20, 2009
Another Day in the O.B.B.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Love at First Sight

There are better reasons to buy a house, really. I bought a house in order to get a dog.
Friday, April 17, 2009
How to Annoy Me
If I hadn't had the very life sucked from me yesterday & today I could actually write something interesting, intelligent and/or amusing. Alas, Internet you will be deeply disappointed. Instead, I will simply leave you with this week's sale fliers to thumb through. Enjoy. I hope to have some life back tomorrow.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Musings, Meandering & Holy Crap Exciting!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Daily Dance
The dance I refer to is not to be confused with the "Pull-ups Potty Dance" - the most insipid of all insipid TV commercials. You know the one I'm talking about? "Put your left hand out, put the right on top, shake 'em together and do the potty dance - whoop whoop!" - AS IF doing this stupid dance to the most insipid tune ever will somehow entice a small child to ask to go potty. I've never toilet trained a small child, but I'm just saying - I don't think this song & dance number is the way to go.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Quest
Monday, April 13, 2009
I Stand Corrected

How to Annoy Me
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What do you mean there's no Tooth Fairy?
Where oh where does the Easter tradition of hiding eggs and giving chocolate rabbits come from? Who knows...not even the gurus at Yahoo.com, who are attributing the centuries old custom to some spring celebration invoking the goddess of the dawn, "Eoster," who did something or other with rabbits and eggs - both a sign of fertility.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Come Saturday Morning

I love a quiet Saturday morning (or Sunday morning for that matter). With one dog piked out on the floor at my feet and the other snugged in hard on the couch beside me, the only sound is the morning birds as they flit and fly about our property looking for breakfast. We have lots of birds today - makes me wonder if our little piece of PEI is the avian equivalent of a Tim Horton's - a busy place to grab a "to go" worm or a cool, refreshing grub or two.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Down and Out

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Secrets from the Front

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My Honey Bunny

How to Annoy Me
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
In Sickness and in Health
- Showering and making myself presentable
- Driving downtown for a meeting with Tourism Charlottetown where I solicited (read begged) donations for Special Olympics PEI (I was successful btw)
- Shopping for a creative Easter-themed craft for my visit with my "little sister"
- Making a gourmet lunch (okay, maybe a hot dog doesn't count as gourmet, but when you're not feeling well comfort is comfort - whether it's food or a kleenex)
- Visiting said "little sister" Victoria where for an hour we decorated Easter Egg shaped cookies with very stale candies and icing that was too thin. Too bad I didn't read the instructions before I went, otherwise our icing might have actually turned out better and the candies would have actually stuck to the cookies, rather than slide off.
- Gassing up the Cranberry Cruiser in what would elsewhere be known as a hurricane, but here on PEI it's just a little wind & rain
- Talking to my one PEI friend to wish her a happy birthday and listen to her lamentations on the limitations of her not-so-good boss
- Spending an hour writing more letters to various island businesses soliciting auction items
- Creating home-made sauce for tonight's dinner of chicken Florentine
- Studying chapters 6 & 7 in preparation for tomorrow's Business Communication double-header
- Daydreaming about a job that allowed me to write all day long