Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Sound of Silence

We have friends here on the island that have a dog that doesn't bark.  Doesn't that sound lovely?  Well, the dog actually does bark, but when he does he makes this weird, laryngitis-sounding squeaks.  At best, he sounds hoarse, but mostly he just sounds ridiculous.  As a former show dog (and when he was owned by someone else), they had his vocal chords nipped.  Isn't that horrible?  I think it's horrible.  I would never do that to one of my dogs.  Nope.  No sirree.  It's just not right.

Or so I thought.

But then The Gidge, over the last couple of years, has developed this incredibly annoying, jump-out-of-your-skin, barking tirade habit and the more we had to endure it, the more we started wondering "just how much do you think that vocal chord surgery would cost?".

You see, she may only be 10-lbs of Silky Terrier, but in her mind, she's 1000-lbs of Grizzley Bear.  To say she's territorial would be an understatement.  She's got hair-trigger nerves, and, well, it's been a bloody bark-fest around these parts for way too long.

Some of the things that could set her off?

  • A ballcap resting on a doorknob
  • Inconsiderate placement of the tv remote control ("inconsiderate" is anywhere within her sight line)
  • Me, dancing in the kitchen
  • Snickers, whenever he moves too fast for her liking
  • Frieda
  • The wind whistling through the trees (dare I mention that here on the sandbar, it's always windy?)
  • Perhaps the worst of all though is anytime anyone knocks on, or rings our door.  That unleashes a tirade that only stops once she's hunted down the culprit and heaven forbid we lock her in the kitchen while we attend to the person at the door.  That will set the Gidge into a fury the likes of which you'll hopefully never know.

Oh, we consulted with our vet who in turn consulted with the animal behaviorist on staff at the Atlantic Veterinary College.  We thought it was anxiety and perhaps it is...but the behaviorist diagnosed it as adult-onset crankiness.


"It's the breed" said she.

"The breed?"  said I.

"Yes.  This breed of dog is known to be exceptionally territorial and the older they get, the more this comes out in their personality and really, there's not much you can do about it, short of medication."

I just couldn't see myself shelling out $$ every month for valium for the dog when I don't have my own prescription, so we muddled on, hoping and praying that the Gidge would perhaps grow out of this phase.  I mean, she grew into it?  Maybe she'd grow out of it?

It just got worse.  The barking, while not exactly non-stop, sure felt that way.  You can see the attraction of the vocal chord surgery, now, can't you?

Well, before we went down that road, I went to my local pet store in search of some sort of training device that might help us with this problem and lo and local pet store guy had a couple of solutions.  One involved a very expensive sonar/vibrator/I don't know what else contraption, but that would only work if she were an outside dog.  And as thrilling as the prospect of putting Gidget outside for the rest of her life was, we remembered the birds of prey (not to mention the local coyotes & foxes) and decided, no, she's best suited for the indoors.   That took that device off the table.

Which left us with this:

It's a little battery-operated device that when activated by the sound of barking emits a little citronella infused spray of air, right into her face and guess what?  IT SHUTS HER UP!

Really, it's quite funny - she's surprised every time it happens and she looks at me with a "WTF just happened?" expression.  But it does the trick.  It breaks her fixation on whatever has her attention and she stops barking.  Silent Gidge.

I put it on her every night, about a half hour before Buzz comes home (because, yes, as soon as she hears his car in the driveway she starts with the announcements "he's home, he's home, he's HOME") and while she may bark once, she does not bark incessantly.  It is a thing of beauty.  Silent Gidge.

We've been using this little contraption every night since Friday.  Which means we've now had six nights of uninterrupted sleep.  Six nights of silence, courtesy of Silent Gidge.

You have no idea how this has improved the quality of our life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nookie Nookie

Oh, get your mind out of the gutter...I know what you're thinking!

So, hellooooo!   Is there anybody out there?  It's been so long since I've posted anything I'd be shocked if I still had readers!  It's no excuse, but I've been busy producing my very own version of  Extreme Makeover, the Kim & Dwayne Edition the past few weeks and, in between vacuuming up drywall dust, rolling miles and miles of paint onto thirsty walls, pushing furniture around, restoring old furniture and you know, traveling, putting the garden in, etc., etc., etc., well, it's been a busy summer so far.

So what led to this sudden desire to re-do the old farmhouse?  Well...On a dark and stormy night  way back last April, our roof blew off the house.  Okay, it didn't exactly fly off the house, but suffice it to say enough of the roof blew off that we ended up replacing the entire thing, tar-paper, shingles and all.  It just made sense given the interior damage caused by the rain that fell into our attic and onto our upstairs hallway ceiling.

There's no worse enemy to a house than water.  Take my word for it.  The havoc it can wreak - it's ugly.

The resulting repairs took 8 weeks, not because roofers are in such short supply here on the sandbar.  Nope.  Our roof was repaired within mere days of it blowing away.  No, it took 8 weeks because our handy-dandy, insurance company recommended drywall installer could not manage to schedule the repair to our upstairs ceiling for 6 weeks...despite my almost daily phone calls to remind him that the work was yet to be completed.  I know what my next career is going to be, if this whole teaching thing doesn't work out, is all I'm saying.

Anyway, we went away at the end of May with the hopes and dreams that when we came back the interior work would magically be done and we could move forward with the next phase of the project which involved painting the entire rest of the house.  You read that correctly.  The.  Entire.  Rest.  Of.  The.  House.  90% by myself...but with exceptional taping produced by Buzz - he's an artist with a roll of green painter's tape, believe me!

So while it's kept me from posting here on any kind of regular basis, I have to was well worth it because have a house that after living in for almost 3 years I finally LOVE!  It's a thing of beauty.  I know I'm biased...but really, take a look...

Isn't it purdy?

So when the upstair ceiling got replaced and painted the resulting paint job was "cut" into the hallway walls.  And you know how old farmhouses are built?  One hallway leads to another and before you know it, painting one hallway leads to the livingroom, leads to the nook, leads to the mudroom and so on.  

We selected a lovely, buttery, creamy shade of "rattan" and let me tell you, does it ever warm up our home.  

We moved furniture about from the nook to the kitchen and from the basement to the nook thereby adding about 200 sq ft of space to our living-room that until now has been un-usable...

Added some framed photographs of island scenes I've taken during our time here...

And shabby-chic'd out one antique buffet for the mud-room I found for a steal...

And suddenly, this old house feels like something fresh and new...and lovely!