Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, Monday

Ah, Monday, Monday...After a FULL weekend of visiting with old (for him) and new (for me) friends, working the land (ie slave to the lawn), weeding, weeding and more weeding and then cultivating the garden, planting rose bushes and peonies and  the whole movie marathon thing (go see the new Star Trek it is AWESOME!)...well, it seems I didn't have time to think about or write anything blog worthy.  I suck.

So instead I'm posting a picture of Friday's sunset at Argyle Shores on the south side of the island.    This is what surviving the winter is all about here on the island in the Northumberland Straight.  A lovely bonfire rivaled in colour by the brilliant sunset.

Did I mention it's gardening season here on the island?  For us that meant prepping the soil for our tomato & pepper patch - which really involved the one whom I adore getting out there with shovel, spade & hoe and tilling bags of manure & compost into the soil then organizing it all into beautiful raised beds.    But for the guy that owns the field behind us, "prepping the soil" means something entirely different:

Ah, potato season will soon be upon us!