Wednesday, August 26, 2009

'mmmm-mmmm 'Maters!

I could have titled this Ode to the Simple Tomato such is my love for this sweet, succulent fruit.

It's Tomato Season here on the Island. We returned from vacation to a garden bursting with Mother Nature's perfect food. Roma, Beefsteak, Scotias, Yellow, Cherry, Grape, you name it, I have it growing in my garden right now.

They'd just started to ripen, so I quickly whipped through the rows and extracted every single one that was ready to be eaten and then I set about gorging myself on the candy-like grape tomatoes.

Last year, our first year in the OBB, I spent September making endless batches of applesauce with apples from our orchard. This year, if I don't eat the tomatoes all right out of the garden I'm going to be making stewed tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, chili sauce and salsa.

And I can't wait.