Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random Immaterial List of Stuff

Because I have been racking my brain for the last 4 hours trying to come up with something blog-worthy, I have FINALLY decided to just jot down some random thoughts and um...stuff that has occurred to me lately:

  • Autumn should not begin in August. Summer this year got here late (July 11th) and has evidently left early (August 23rd) - leaving us with daily high temps of 16-degrees.
  • One of my dog's feet smell like Fritos. Odd that I know this. Odder still that they smell that way when they've never been near a bag of Fritos insomuch as I can tell.
  • The summer story line of the Young and the Restless is getting on my last nerve. Sharon needs to pick a man - or better yet...DON'T. Victor needs acting lessons. Ashley cannot possibly be dumb enough to believe she's still pregnant? And those two fools Gloria & what's his name - enough already! Perhaps I need to take a break for a while and pick it up again next year. Not that much will have changed, but, clearly, I'm getting way too emotionally involved here.
  • Number of tomato sandwiches I've eaten since returning from vacation 1.5 weeks ago: 14.
  • Number of laps I can swim in a half hour: 50.
  • Number of laps I thought I could swim: 15. So, clearly, I am better then I gave myself credit for.
  • Did you know that you should NEVER put baking soda on wet carpet? Trust me on this one.
  • School starts in less than 2 weeks and I'm pretty sure it will give me plenty of blog-fodder, which is a good thing considering "Buzz" has been decidedly short of material for me lately.
Buzz comes home early tonight. Perhaps he'll do something blog-worthy for tomorrow's entry!