Friday, August 28, 2009

Brad vs Julia

Last night was Date Night in the Cameron-Donnelly household. You know, just to keep the sparks lit, now that we've passed the one year point on our marital calendar, we like to keep things fresh and spend quality time doing things that we enjoy. So every couple of weeks or so, we find some activity to do. It need not be a big fancy deal, it can be something as simple as an after-dinner walk along the beach, a nice dinner out or in, or just a Sunday afternoon drive to the other side of the island.

Last night it was decided our Date Night would be a trip to our local multi-plex. Just like a real date, I got all gussied up...I even put on some perfume and right on the dot of after work o'clock I picked up my man and off we headed to the theatre. I had pre-purchased our tickets so we could bypass the lines and head right to the concession stand where Buzz filled up on an all you can eat bucket of corn with free! refills. I tell you, that man has an endless capacity for popcorn! A couple of squirts of artificial butter flavouring (on his) later, handing our tickets to the thug at the door, we quickly smooched as he went to Theatre 4 to see Inglorious Basterds and I headed to Theatre 5 for a date with Julie & Julia.

Hard to tell we're an old married couple now, isn't it?