Friday, November 26, 2010

A Burgeoning Career?

When I lived on Maui I worked really hard to assimilate into the local culture.  Part of that process was to learn the Hawaiian equivalent of our English words.  Soon I was calling hors d'oeuvres "pu'u pu'us", going to the bathroom was "making shi-shi", the end of the work week was "pau hana" and when I was done giving Snickers his last snausage snack he was "all pau" (all POW).   If I wanted something to go fast it was "wiki-wiki" and the mouth-watering menu at my favorite restaurant was "ono-licious".    My favorite Hawaiian translation?  Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas)

One thing I never really glommed onto though was the Hawaiian equivalent of my own name.  I didn't like it much.  It sounded too...manly...

But, in late October 2001 a friend of mine came to visit and she, ever the one to jump into the local scene with both feet, took all of about 2 days to figure out my Hawaiian name and from that day forward, whenever I see, speak or correspond with Elise, she calls me by my Hawaiian name:  Kimo.

I never cottoned to that name, but she's a great lady and a great friend so I've never really told her how much I dislike the name.  She's the only person in the world that can call me Kimo.  Just like Buzz and my cousin Lori are the only people that can get away with calling my Kimmie.  Don't ask me why, but when these two people use that version of my name, I don't mind it.  Anyone else?  I'll rip your head off.


This week Buzz came home from work and asked if I would mind driving one of his colleagues to the airport this morning.  Given that we live at the top of Todd Mountain and there isn't a regularly scheduled shuttle service between the resort and the local airport and given that a taxi between Point A and Point B costs the better part of a monthly rent payment, getting someone to run people to the airport is somewhat at a premium up here.  Given that I've been house bound all week (thanks to BC's unseasonable cold snap) and given that I hadn't seen the inside of a store in a week I jumped at the opportunity to get up at the crack of dawn, load up the dogs and my passenger and head down the mountain to the airport and then the mall...ahhhhh....

Anyway, as I was downtown today I got another email from Buzz - could I pick up his regional boss-lady on Tuesday?  And run her back down on Thursday?  Oh, and when the colleague that went out this morning comes back a week from Monday, could I make that run too?

The business plan is already formulating...Kimo's Limo?  Whatdya think?

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