Monday, August 17, 2009

Burger Meister, Meister Burger

It occurred to me this morning that if I have a stroke it would really mess up my smile. And I'm pretty sure, if I continue to eat red meat at the alarming rate I have this vacation that a stroke or maybe even a heart attack is imminent.

In the 8 days we've been on vacation we have eaten 11 burgers between us. It is important to note that I have only eaten 3 of those 11, but still, for someone that doesn't eat red meat but maybe once every 5 or 6 months, the burgers are taking their toll. I am perpetually stuffed. My belly is distended, like those little African kids on the Plan Canada commercials. I've begun dreaming of chicken...and pork...or simple things like a toasted tomato sandwich. Anything but another hunk of red meat.

I'm not complaining that we've had the great good fortune to be invited to a number of parties on this vacation. Parties that featured grilled items. Like hamburgers. But last night, when we headed to a pool party with a fresh vegetable platter and red potato salad in hand, you can only imagine the look on my face when our hostess hollered "Honey, will you start the BBQ for the burgers?!"

I felt the pit of my stomach drop four inches and immediately started preying for a hot dog.

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