Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week 1: No Crap for Kim

Week One of my new health & wellness program, titled "No Crap for Kim" has gone exceptionally well.  After indulging in such glorious things as ooey-gooey chelsea buns for my birthday, followed closely by copious amounts of home-made coconut macaroons, not to mention the newly discovered "whoopie pies" it seems that my ever-expanding back-end is now taking up residence on the front end of my body.  Yes, my ass has circled my hips and is setting up shop on my abdomen.

What is a girl to do?

Well, rather than start the usual starve myself and really screw up my metabolism further program I've been known to do a time or two, this week I decided it would simply be better if I took baby steps.  Step one, cut out the crap.  We love our crap in this house and there's no better place to enjoy crap then one is on a 7000-km road trip.  SmartCorn, pretzels, whoopie pies - the lot.  We were on vacation and you all know when you're on vacation those calories don't count.  Except when you get home from vacation and they've taken up their own postal code on your thighs.  Shit.  Not again.

So baby steps.  Right.  Our house is now a crap-free zone.  Except for the two bags of tortilla chips in the cupboard for the company I thought we might have last night but instead we went to their place and since it was so late didn't make the guacamole and so yeah, the chips are still here.  But I'm pretending they act like ice-cream to my body and shred my innards and I'll tell you there's no better deterrent from eating something than having it make you sick.  So, tortilla chips now officially make me sick.  I'm pretty sure if I say it enough it will be so!

Crap-free.   Healthy breakfast, monitor the amount of breads and keep it to two servings a day.  Lots of vegetables and a couple of servings of lean protein.  It's all fairly easy.  Except for the 4-o'clock crazies.  Seems my body can only go 4 hours without being fed - so that's easy with breakfast at 8am and lunch at noon - 4 hours all's good.  But then, we don't eat dinner here until the one whom I adore comes home and most nights that's somewhere between 7 & 7:30pm.  So right, that would be 7 hours between feedings and let me tell you, that is simply too long for me to bear.  I get cranky.  I get really tired.  I have even been known to be a tad bit petulant when STARVING.  

Back before the crap free zone that is now our home, the 4-o'clock crazies might be averted with a peanut butter sandwich or half (or a whole) bag of tortilla chips or something equally as not healthful.  This week I've substituted those with a small handful of almonds mixed with dried cranberries and guess what?  This small little snack sustains me long enough to get to the dinner hour without the crazies.   Thanks mom for the suggestion.  Oh, and guess what?  When you only have a HANDFUL, they don't incite a riot in your intestines!  So it's all good.

Week 2 of No Crap for Kim will involve getting more active.  I'm not sure yet what that looks like, but today it looks like a walk on the beach and several hours of gardening.   If you have any suggestions on how to work more activity into my day (because really, sitting on the sofa blogging cannot be called "active") send them along!  I can use all the help I can get!

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