Thursday, June 11, 2009

Robbing Peter, but Not Paying Paul

Four more days until the BIG FUNDRAISER I've been working on the last couple of months.  Four more days until we find out if the record breaking items we've secured for the auction will fetch record breaking bids.  Four more days until I'm unemployed for the summer.  Crap.

It's been fantastic being as involved as I have in this charity - I've been doing work that calls on my talents and plays to my comfort zone.  I've met some interesting people and I've enjoyed working with the employees of the charity.  It's been an eye-opener to understand just how under-funded and under-served this group really is.  

They've survived almost a year of scandal with their former executive director being charged with theft in excess of $5000.  The fact of the matter is, his theft robbed them of much more than just $5000, (and believe me, the dollar amount is much greater than that).  He robbed them of their momentum.  He stole their enthusiasm.  He took opportunity and potential away from one of the most under served populations on the island.  

But he didn't take their determination.  He didn't steal their resolve.  Their dedication to the organization and to each other has been left in-tact.  Fueled by their anger at him, and their dedication to their members, the staff have carried on and continued to move the organization forward.  

Good for them.

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