The changing of seasons is here and you know what that means don’t you? Yes, it means it’s time to switch closets from warm, comfortable winter wear to lightweight and sporty summer attire. I hate this time of year. I am most assuredly NOT a fan of summer clothes. Never have been, never will be. I am much more at home in my winter woolies of bulky oversized sweaters, thick, fuzzy socks, blue jeans or track pants, turtlenecks and pull-overs. No summer shifts for me. No cute scooter skirts or heaven forbid shorty shorts. No Polo shirts or sleeveless cotton blouses. No, no, I’m not a fan. Not at all.
It’s no secret that we’re heading out on vacation in a week…heading to climates that are about 20-degrees warmer than what we’re currently experiencing on PEI. Of course this calls for summer clothes. The same summer clothes I put away at the end of last summer when I vowed that by next summer (um, that’s right about now) that I would be several sizes smaller and therefore won’t be needing those clothes. It’s a good thing I only packed those pieces away and didn’t donate them or throw them out, because, let’s face it, I didn’t exactly achieve my weight-loss goal.
Don’t get me wrong. I weigh less today than I did at my wedding last August. Considering that was an all-time high point on my scale, weighing “less” is a good thing, I guess. I just wish I weighed “lesser” than I do.
So, today marks the day when I scavenge through the wardrobe, pulling out last summer’s skirts, tops, summer dresses and capris and begin the daunting task of trying everything on in the hopes that it all still fits. Hoping against hope that I don’t have to go shopping before hitting the road. Wishing I were a size 10 instead of size 16. It’s enough to wreck your weekend.
well Kim... it sure beats having to go out and buy larger clothes....which has happened to me...sad to say...too much home baking etc...always a pitfall somewhere....