Regularly scheduled blogging may be slightly interrupted as we begin the summertime phase of Life in the OBB which includes much lawn mowing, even more garden weeding and oh, a vacation or two.

Yesterday marked the beginning of "slave to the lawn season". From now until the end of October or even early November one or both of us will be out on the land, cutting grass, sometimes twice a week. I repeat, sometimes twice a week. Yesterday, the one whom I adore was excited to spend 3 hours on the mower (yes, that's right it can take 3 hours to cut this yard). We'll see how excited he is long about the end of September.
In other developments, thank you to those that have weighed in with their thoughts on what those trees are in the back corner. No one really knows, least of all me.
Two more sleeps until vacation and let me tell you the count down is really on now. On further refinement of our plans we have eliminated a visit to Dollywood (I knew the price of admission would be too much for him) but we ARE now including a visit to Lynchburg, TN, home to the Jack Daniel's Distillery. Never miss an opportunity to have a shot of whiskey, uh-uh, not us! Oh, and a quick trip down to Chattanooga for lunch with my friend Penny whom I haven't seen in over 5 years. I'm excited to see her again and introduce her to the one whom I adore.
The car is now tuned up and legal with renewed plates. The laundry is done and summer clothes await. The dog sitter is coming for her final instructions tonight and come Saturday morning we are hitting the road. Which means, Dear Internet, that these postings will be less frequent for the next two weeks. Much to the chagrin of the one whom I adore, I am bringing my computer on vacation, but I just don't know how much time I'll have with my electronic boyfriend Mac.
But don't stop checking here, because when I can, I will DEFINITELY be posting from the road. Thanks to those that have sent happy trails messages. We intend to make the GNAT (Grand North American Tour) the 2009 trip of a lifetime.
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