Monday, May 11, 2009

The Never Ending List

She's a quick one today, Dear Internet because that list I refer to in the title?  Yeah, it just keeps growing.  Five days and counting until the Grand North American Tour or GNAT (as I now refer to our upcoming road trip) and holy smokes, where does the time fly?  Seems like only yesterday we had almost a week before we left and therefore PLENTY of time to get everything done.

It's times like these that I can actually truly appreciate being under-employed.  Because if I had to get everything done that  I need to before we go AND hold down a full time job, well, suffice it to say, we'd be flying and not driving!

You'd think that by having someone come stay in your home and mind your dogs would actually make things seem, er, EASIER.  Far from it!  With the thought of an almost perfect stranger staying here, of course there's now the added pressure of making sure all those things you don't clean every week (like the cobwebs in the basement staircase) well,  now need to  be cleaned.   Because heaven forbid she see you actually might have DUST.  In your HOUSE.

So there are floors to be mopped and cobwebs to be dusted, not to mention dogs that need bathing, oh, and right before the 30-hour road trip is the perfect time for your truck to blow some sort of electrical gadget so you don't have radio, electric door locks OR dash board lights.  So, yeah, you have to now run the truck back to the dealership where it just was LAST WEEK getting certified for license plate renewal - which you also have to get done before you think of leaving the province for the rest of the month the plates are actually valid for!

Then there's the whole go stand in line at Access PEI to renew those plates and pay your property taxes , because in this province GOD FORBID they allow you to pay by mailing a cheque to the department of treasury.  That, my friends would be far too easy.  For ME.

Do I sound bitter?  I think I sound bitter.  I have no time to be bitter though - because I also have to get my beautiful dahlia bulbs in the ground before I go and try to get that side perennial bed weeded and let's don't even begin talking about how badly the lawn needs to be cut.  The one whom I adore and I are very strategic when it comes to cutting the lawn.  Last year as new acreage owners we were very anxious to jump on our John Deere and begin trimming the lawn (acreage).   So we jumped on early in May and were mowing that freaking yard (acreage) all the way to November.  Sometimes twice a week.  This year we're trying to defer the first cut as long as possible, but I fear if we don't cut it before we head out on the highway we'll come back to a yard (acreage) of hay.  So, yeah, there's that too.

And what do you think I'm doing to aid in getting all of these (and so many more) things done?  That's right Dear Internet.  I am BLOGGING.  Say it with me now:  "PRIORITIZE!"  Amen.

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