The day began in its usual way, me at the kitchen counter hunched over a bowl of all fibre cereal, him, taking his regular position up in the kitchen doorway, staring at me, imploring me with his eyes to take action of some sort (but no-one, least of all me, really knows what action he wants me to take). For 10 minutes I dutifully paid our monthly bills on-line, surfed a couple of job sites I peruse daily and finished my morning tea while he was 3 feet away boring holes into the side of my head. He didn't moan or whine. He simply stood and stared. Stared and stood. He didn't blink. He occasionally stamped his feet. Stood and stared. Stared and stamped.
This might make sense if he had been looking for some food, but he'd just finished wolfing down his morning quota, not to mention what he stole from she who rules this house's bowl. I'd understand if he had the burning need to venture to the great outdoors, but both he and I knew he'd been outside 3 times in the 1.5 hours he'd been up. It might even had made sense if he was say, begging for some of the left-over milk from my bowl of cereal. But he'd already had that too. This morning ritual is at the top of my list of things that make me go hmmmm. Another one of life's little mysteries that I'm not smart enough to figure out.
And so began another day in my life in the O.B.B.
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